Green Environment With
Sustanaible Environment With WHiley Recycle goods From Plastic Waste. Transforms discarded plastic bottles into practical and meaningful furniture, providing a cozy hangout spot with a powerful environmental message. #beingSustainablewhileyoucan Movement Our Movement with one of the Coffee Shop from Kota Wisata Cibubur, bring up powerful message that you can enjoy. Through a unique collaboration, 110kg […]
Collaboration With Universitas Prasetiya Mulya Reduce 210kg Plastic Waste
Collaboration With Universitas Prasetiya Mulya “Pocket Forest” Our Collaboration with Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. We’ve transform 210kg plastic waste mixed from plastic bottle cap and shampoo bottle to create several product, such as Garden Bench, Garden Fence, & Signage Board. Solution to Plastic Waste : Reduce, Recycle, Upcycle At the heart of this endeavor lies a […]